Progress by Amalie Silver [Review]

Saturday, April 09, 2016

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Amalie Silver for providing me a copy of this book.
Progress is the first book of the Progress Series by Amalie Silver. It speaks about the relationship of Charlie and Jesse and the problems that accompany it.
Charlie is a kind and lovely girl, full of complexes due to the bullying situation that she experienced all over high school. Body shamed, personally affected, I liked the way Charlie is described, as a different character, in this case a plus sized girl, which demonstrates a real situation in our modern days, such as female shaming and weight bias.

Jesse is the opposite of Charlie, a beautiful and stunning boy who possesses a troubled mind. He suffers with bipolarity/maniac depression, making him an inconvenient and mean guy around other people (specially Charlie). He was molded by his horrible past, which made him cold-hearted and too guarded, and a person who suffers in the silence of his own thoughts.

In my opinion, their relationship is just weird and unhealthy. One of them would say something bad to the other, they would argue, then stay mad and finally they would make it up, building a vicious cycle. It can be explained due to his mental illness but that many times just turns the story into something boring and repetitive.
Another point that I would like to mention is the fact that the story, for me, isn't that complex. It's suppose to be a romance, all good with that, and it's based on Jesse's and Charlie's relationship but I think that it could be better if there were evolved other characters with some history and development. (Such as Lily, Angie, Jake, etc.).

It was a pleasant read. For me, it misses complexity and history development, not only based on their relationship but also for the external characters. Said that, I'm curious about the next book, how things turned out to be since the "what happened" end, that makes sense but still, a "what" end.
 Final Rating: 2,5/5


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  1. I actually don't agree with the rating.

    1. Really? What makes you say that? :)

    2. I've read it and in my opinion the complexity of the characters is good, I just loved the book and I feel that the rating of it could be better, but of course that's my opinion!:)


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